You know the feeling when you start writing something and try to go further but you end up deleting the complete sentence and starting from the beginning again? This is how I would describe the past two years.

From a small group of friends to a quickly growing bigger size of even better friends. The thing which has kept most of us together is the similarity in our personal and business decisions and the fact that we are trying. Sometimes trying isn’t enough - but if you try to do something multiple times, eventually you will get a hang of it.

Because of this sole reason and the ability to adapt, we managed to move across 3 different offices in the first year and a half and have provided an opportunity to 50+ people in our Davaskriptanje event.

We have also provided an opportunity for students to learn and grow through our summer’s internship programmes and have opened up an opportunity for them to attend the next year’s private education in accordance with our available resources.

We have helped our clients while providing an open and thriving space for our 12 employees, and 4 (on and off) students, who have achieved multiple strategic partnerships.

Right now we are working on our own product and have started with the first serial production units focusing on the indoor gardening sector.
These points above are for someone achievements, yet for us they are the reality we get to live everyday - and we are thankful for it.